We are the
Peaceful Patriots
A non-partisan group of like minded people focused on spreading awareness, news, education, and fighting for democracy.
Based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Providing a venue for the Fox Valley and NE Wisconsin to protest

Our Patriotic Calling…
We are an action based group with a high interest in peaceful gatherings, flexing our democratic muscle by practicing our First Amendment right.
Our Mission: To spread awareness to the public and representatives that our voices matter at a local, state, and national level.
We will not accept authoritarianism and fascism.
Non-partisan: Open to Democrats, Independents, Republicans, and 3rd Parties.
Pro Democracy!

The Resistance Protests
Every Saturday Indefinitely
Opera House Square
315 N Main Street, Oshkosh WI 54901
Bring American flags, signs, and friends!

Email: Peacefulpatriotosh@gmail.com
If you would like to join the Mailing List, please send an email requesting to be added.
The Mailing List will inform you of local/state/50501 protests. It is not a news source, but it may reference pertinent news items for a call to action or protests.
Send an email if you request support or collaboration.
Please freely share this website and the group email.
I will NEVER share your information without your permission.
Be safe and well.
Danny (Organizer)